19 Dec 2015
by Allan

Note: Edward sang the ditty below to us at his going-away party. He was the group’s first postdoc, a scientist of tremendous range who trained as a mathematician and mastered computational molecular evolution, then experimental biochemistry, during his tenure. Now he’s off to start his Marie Curie fellowship in Edinburgh. He is greatly admired, and already deeply missed. – Allan

O Drummond Lab

(to the tune of “Shenandoah”)

O Drummond lab, how I shall miss you,
At the bench and the computer,
And all the fine science that you do.
Away, I must away, across the vast Atlantic.

For five long years I’ve toiled away,
At the bench and the computer,
Measuring proteins and RNA.
Away, I must away, across the vast Atlantic.

All you have taught me so, so much,
At the bench and the computer,
Of biochemistry, evolution, cell biology, statistics, biophysics*, and such.
Away, I must away, across the vast Atlantic.

O Drummond lab, you lovely colleagues,
At the bench and the computer,
And a quintillion heat-shocked yeasties.
Away, I must away, across the vast Atlantic.

*Creative interpretation is needed to fit all these fields in a single line, or single postdoc.

Edward Wallace, December 2015.