This protocol uses a nanoluciferase-PEST reporter to measure translation rate in the budding yeast S. cerevisiae.
The reporter design is based on that of Masser et al. Yeast 2016 May; 33(5): 191-200.

Yeast Strain
- BY4742 + pJB749 (integrated at HO locus, selected with hygromycin)
Wet reagents
- yeast growth media (SC or YP plus sugar if required)
- Promega Nano-Glo (PRN1130)
- 96-well 2mL deep well plate (Dot cat. no 229575)
- 96-well u-bottom microtiter plate (Thermo 1424571)
- 96-well PCR plate (Thermo AB-0600)
- 8-channel pipette (100uL or 200uL)
- 8-channel pipette (20uL) (Rainin P20 LTS)
- Breathe-easy sealing film (Sigma Z380059-1PAK)
- 384-well white plates (Corning CLS3574-50EA)
- Multimodal microplate reader (Tecan Spark 20M)
- 96-well thermocycler
- 30 °C shaking incubator
- Grow cells
- 3 days prior
- streak strain from glycerol stock onto YPD plate, incubate at 30 °C
- 2 days prior
- pick one colony and grow in liquid YPD overnight with shaking at 30 °C
culture can be stored at 4 °C
- 1 day prior
- assuming a doubling time of 85 minutes and a lag phase of 170 minutes, dilute yeast into 8 mL of fresh YPD such that it will grow to an OD600 < 0.2 the next day
- grow at 30 °C with shaking
- Day of morning
- dilute to OD600 < 0.05 (such that experiment will start at OD600 = 0.1)
- Prepare to measure translation
- Calculate amount of Nano-Glo reagent required (will need 10 μL per measurement)
- Prepare 0.5x Nano-Glo reagent by first mixing lysis buffer with 1:50 reagent, then diluting 1:1 with H2O
diluting 0.5x is not necessary, but saves money and seems to work fine
- aliquot 10 μL reagent into 96-well PCR plates for later measurements
- Calibrate the OD readings: Need to measure blank OD600 and calculate the pathlength of the measurement
- Use multichannel to transfer 3x blank media and 3x yeast growth with known OD to U-bottom 96-well microplate
- Read using JB_210712A600_whole.mth on sparkcontrol (not magellan)
- method first shakes for 5 seconds (linear, amplitude=4)
- then reads every well at 600 nm with flashes=30 and settle time = 500 ms
the settle time is important to get accurate readings
- Using beer-lambert law (A = _εlc), calculate the pathlength (I got around 0.5 cm) and note the mean blank reading
- Treat cells
- Treatment will vary by experiment. In my experiments, I have been measuring the translation of two reporters both before and after heatshock.
- Transfer 0.25 mL yeast to 2 mL deep well plate
- To account for variability in the luminescence readings, I always normalize my readings to a control strain. I also try to mix the order of my samples and do measurements in triplicate.
For instance, given reporter A and reporter B, and varying concentrations of drug I would arrange my columns like so
| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
|—:| — | — | — | — | — | — | — | – |
| A | A | B | A | B | A | B | A | B |
| B | B | A | B | A | B | A | B | A |
| C | A | B | A | B | A | B | A | B |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
A |
- |
- |
+10 |
+10 |
+20 |
+20 |
+40 |
+40 |
B |
- |
- |
+10 |
+10 |
+20 |
+20 |
+40 |
+40 |
C |
- |
- |
+10 |
+10 |
+20 |
+20 |
+40 |
+40 |
- Cover 2mL deep well block in breath-easy film, tape to shaking platform and shake at 30 °C
- Measure OD and luminescence (eventually want to calculate lum_per_OD to normalize for varying cell counts between samples)
- Using multi-channel, transfer 150 μL to 96-well U bottom microplate, read OD600 as above
- transfer 10 μL of culture to 10 μL Nano-Glo reagent in PCR plates (make sure to pipette up and down before transferring to mix any cells that have settled, then mix again 3x after transferring)
- Transfer 15 μL to 384-well white plate
recommended to leave a well of blank between every well to prevent bleedthrough. Remaining wells can be filled in after a few days
- Spin for 30 seconds in plate centrifuge
- Incubate for 4 minutes before reading
- Measure with e.g. JB_210712_Lum_A1toB12.mth (loop of 5 measurements, integration time = 250 ms, take average of measurements during analysis)
- Heat shock and measure luminescence again
- transfer 20 μL of culture to 96-well PCR plate
- Treat at 42 °C using thermocycler
- Re-read luminescence as above; I re-use the OD reading from above for normalization (assumes that during treatment the number of cells has changed a small amount)